Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My eReader

I really did not think that I would ever get an eReader.  I love holding a book in my hand and did not think that I would enjoy reading on something that just seemed impersonal.

I had the opportunity when I was in Charleston, SC visiting some friends to compare, hold and play with a Kindle and a NOOK.  Until that point I was sold on a Kindle.  I just thought it was a better machine and with Amazon behind it I did not think I could go wrong.  Another thing I liked about them was that they did audio.  Well, once I held both of them I  just loved the NOOK.  I loved how it felt in my hands.  It felt more like a book and was very comfortable.  It was easy to use and was just a reader.  Now, it does not have audio but it does have space for an expansion card which really intrigued me.

Terry bought me a NOOK for Christmas.  He could not wait and I have been enjoying it for the past few weeks.  The more I use it the more I love it.  It is very easy to use and it is great to have so many books with me all the time.  A great thing with the NOOK is that it uses Adobe and you can read ePub and PDF's.  I am able to search the web for free books and as long as I can get them in either of those formats I can put them on my NOOK!  I am addicted to looking for books.  Most of the ones I am getting are classics and older novels.  I am having so much fun and really looking forward to reading books I have wanted to or should because they are classics.  And I can do it all for free!!  And I can do it all without loading the boat down with books!!

When I am reviewing books I will make a notation at the end if I read it on my NOOK so you can see how much I am using it and the vast number and types of books you can get for eReaders.  I will only get free books.  If I get it from a library I will also let you know.   Can you tell, I am loving my NOOK!!!

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