Friday, November 25, 2016

The Dirty Life by Kristin Kimball

Subtitle: A Memoir of Farming, Food and Love-- What a great read!  A city girl falling for a country boy.  She leaves the city and moves into a world unknown to her that she grabs with both hands.  She loves getting her hands dirty and the freshness of what they produce.    She and her husband have grand ideas of feeding the community and it is not met without struggle, but they persevere and carve out a nice life for themselves.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Shadows at the Fair by Lea Wait

A very interesting mystery involving antique prints.  Maggie goes to a weekend fair to sell her prints and meet up with old friends.  What she does not expect is to be solving not one murder, but two.  There are always stories about people and how things are and she needed to weed through it all to get down to the bones of the matter.  For a first book this was very well written and not too predictable.  I definitely figured some things out, but I was not totally sure who did it until the end.  I was not completely surprised, but how Wait unraveled it was well done.  Looking forward to finding more in this new mystery series.

11/22/63 by Stephen King

This was a very interesting book and one I had wanted to read for a while.  It is about a 'rabbit hole' that takes you back in time.  A diner owner discovered it but can't carry out what he wanted to do and involves a local teacher. The goal is to stop the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  There are many twists and turns and many outcomes I did not expect.  It really was a great novel and King is an amazing story teller.