Friday, September 29, 2017

Ikigai by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles

Subtitle: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life  -- This was a very enjoyable read.  We all want to be healthy and happy and in the scheme of things it is quite easy.  You just need to make it a part of your daily life.  It is important to move everyday, eat less, have a hobby, and socialize.  For something so easy, why is it hard to to.  This was very well laid out, great examples, and great stories.  We just need to remember to take our time and enjoy life.  Take advantage of every moment and take care of ourselves.

Balancing Act by Joanna Trollope

This book is about a family run business that is going through some growing pains.  It is hard for the matriarch to let go of the reigns and for the kids to find their footing.  The flow of the book was not good for me.  I felt jerked around a bit, had a hard time following at times and really wanted to know more about the characters. Overall it was pretty meh for me and it took me a bit to soon through.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

porch lights by Dorthea Benton Frank

I love books that take place in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. Jackie ends up going back home with her son for the summer after losing her husband in a tragic accident.  She goes back to her momma and spends the summer trying to find herself and what she wants.  Her son Charlie grows into himself on the shore and loves his freedom.  Her mother Annie thrives in their company .  A wonderful story about love, loss and family

Night of Many Dreams by Gail Tsukiyama

Tsukiyama never disappoints me.  This is about two sisters, Joan and Emma, and how they manage to find themselves and their place before,  during, and after World War II.  They struggle with what is appropriate and customary to the ever changing world.  Joan loves movies and drama and is able to loose herself in that world.  Emma wants to spread her wings and see the world.  Through changing times and lives they always mange to be there for each other.  Beautifully written and wonderfully developed.