Monday, April 15, 2019

The Sense Of Wonder by Rachel Carson

What a wonderful book on how you can get your child into nature. All you need is to be out in it. You do not need to know the names of everything,  you do not need special equipment, you just need to observe both nature and your child and go from there. Children help you see things in a new light and you need to grasp onto what they are embracing. A very refreshing and beautiful look at children, nature, and the world around you.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Naked Came the Manatee by Carl Hiaasen and others

This was a collaboration of several authors and is a true South Florida tale. There is a manatee that is always seeming to get in trouble.  There is an older woman who is an environmentalist. There is a woman who wants a big story for the newspaper so she can get out . A struggling business woman. Some men wanting to make some easy money. And last, but not least, a plot to try to get rid of Fidel Castro.  This is all in one book and is quite hilarious.  To me, one of the funniest things is that some parts of this story could be ripped from the headlines. Only in South Florida.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Yarn Harlot by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

Subtitle: The Secret Life of a Knitter -- What a hoot! Yarn stashes, missing needles,  multiple projects started, and nothing to knit with. Stephanie has an answer for everything and can easily make an excuse. She hides yarn everywhere. She will tear apart a car to find a knitting needle. She will convince herself she can finish all of the projects she has started. And she can always justify buying more yarn.  Stephanie has a great sense of humor and a wonderful way of weaving a tale on paper. If you knit, you will understand. If you have a knitter in your life, this may help you understand.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Oogy by Larry Levin

Subtitle: The Dog Only a Family Could Love -- This was a wonderful story about a family who was losing a pet and gained another that not just anyone could love. Oogy had been used as a bait dog and had lost an ear and most of his face. The way that Oogy became an integral part of the family and community was just amazing. It wasn't always an easy read for a couple of reasons. One was the nature of the content and why Oogy was the way he was. The other was that Levin isn't the smoothest of writers for me. I had to re-read things to figure out what he was saying which is something I just do not enjoy. But, if you are an animal lover this really is a heart warming book about an amazing dog.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman

The books finds you on an outer island off of Australia.  The young couple settles into a comfortable life and hopes to have a family. After several miscarriages Isabel is quite distraught. Crying is heard on the shore and a small boat has washed ashore with a baby. She convinces Tom, her husband, to keep the baby and make no note of the occurance in the lighthouse log. Over the years this becomes more and more distressing to Tom. The story unfolds, things come to light on the mainland and families are torn apart. It was hard to not feel the pain and stress of those involved.  Stedman shows the strength of the human spirit and what people will go through to protect what they think is theirs.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Out of the Woods by Ora E. Anderson

Subtitle: A Bird Watcher's Year-- This book is broken down into seasons and what he observed around his property. Anderson has a wonderful way with words and a great way of expressing himself. The ground hogs under his porch, the resident geese, how much the trees have grown. He draws a picture and you feel like you are right there. If you love nature and the seasons you will really enjoy this book.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

It the second book of the Outlaner series we learn more about Claire and her life in the 1700's. In the beginning of the book we are in the 20th century and she is trying to tell her daughter the story. We then go back to the 1700's and see all that happened and what brought her back to the 20th century. Gabaldon is such an amazing storyteller. She weaves story lines that keep you wanting more and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book!

Friday, February 8, 2019

After the Snow by Susannah Constantine

This book was compared to Downton Abby, but I didn't really see that. We are dealing with some different class structure and what is and is not acceptable. Esme is excited about Christmas, but the underlying issues with her mother make things very twisted and unstable. We are taken back and forth with things that have happened over the years and I felt that there was an incompleteness to the whole story. Emotions and feelings were there but the overall substance was a bit lacking for me. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Really behind, final books of 2018

Time just got away from me. Life happens and I didn't keep up with the blog even though I did a lot of reading. Here are the books I read to finish out 2018.

The Blueberry Years: A Memoir of Farm and Family by Jim Minick
Southbound by Lucy and Susan Letcher
Walking Home by Lucy and Susan Letcher
Freddy the Detective by Walter R. Brooks, Kurt Wiese
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani
Round Robin by Jennifer Chiaverini
Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright
Christmas in Icicle Falls by Sheila Roberts
The Dogs of Christmas by W. Bruce Cameron
Death by Coffee by Alex Erickson
Alaskan Holiday by Debbie Macomber
Michael Tolliver Lives by Armistead Maupin

There really is not one that I would not recommend.  If you like hiking and adventure, Southbound and Walking Home are great. If you want to get into a good series Outlander is awesome!

Just pick up a book, get lost in an adventure or learn about something new. Just read!