Friday, January 29, 2021

The Atomic City Girls by Janet Beard


I enjoy reading historic fiction. I seem to be drawn to World War 2 for some reason and have really enjoyed what I have learned over the years.

This takes place in the mid 40's when work was being done in making the atomic bomb. A town was created in Eastern Tennessee, Oak Ridge. People were displaced and a town grew up almost over night.

This book follows several different people and how they are learning and finding their way. You have June who is just from a few counties over and wanted to do something for the war effort. There is CiCi who is trying recreate herself and find a better life after the war. Joe is a black sharecropper from Alabama just wanting to make a better life for his family.

Living conditions are not always ideal, work schedules could be grueling, and it was a totally different life for everyone. People learned who were and were not to be trusted. And keeping secrets was no easy task.

The joys, sorrows, and hardships seemed worth it to all of them. I don't want to give too much away, but in the end I think they all got what was deserved and earned. It is an amazing time in history, so much was accomplished. At the same time some things that were being fought for then are still being fought for today, more than 70 years later.

If you enjoy historic fiction, especially from this era, I highly recommend this book. It was very well written, easy to read, and I fell in love with all of the characters.

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Winter House by Joan MacCracken

Subtitle: A Season of Sharing

This book had a very interesting premise. Elizabeth was recently widowed and wanted to spend her first winter in Maine, but she really did not want to do it alone. She asked Marty to join her who asked Janet who asked Catherine. They were all widows and Elizabeth thought it would be a great way for them all to have some companionship and save some money in the process.

This all worked out very well for everyone. They encouraged each other to do things, they talked about and faced things that they were struggling with, and all became stronger women for the process.

I must have picked this book up at a library book sale in Maine. Not only was it a signed copy, but it was published in Maine as well. The writing was quite simple and at times felt a little manufactured but the idea and story line was very inviting and curious. It was an interesting way to approach a difficult subject and time in peoples lives. I have a hard time thinking about being alone in the future and hope that I have a circle of friends that these ladies created to help me through. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Glow 15 by Naomi Whittel

 Subtitle: A Science-based Plan to Lose Weight, Revitalize Your Skin, and Invigorate Your Life

A friend recommended this to me and it was an interesting read. I am always curious about the different ways people and science think that they can help you feel younger, stronger, and healthier.

This book hits on a concept called autophagy. It is something within our bodies that can turn on and off our metabolism and make our bodies use what is has more efficiently. There are also foods and exercises that can trigger autophagy to make your body more efficient as well.

There are certain foods to eat and times to eat. You intermittent fast three non consecutive days and eat normally the other four days. There is also exercising that you do on certain days, either HIIT workouts or resistance band workouts.

In the scheme of things if you are able to make these changes in your life and if looking younger is that important to you then this might work. I am more from the school of trying to work with what I have, no special diets or exercises. And on the whole I feel pretty good.

We all want to loose some weight, me included. We all would like to look younger, me included. But we have to remember that we are all different, our bodies are different, and how are bodies work individually are different. And we have earned every wrinkle and gray hair and should be proud of how far we have come.

For me I have been working on eating the same number of calories everyday, drinking enough water everyday, and doing moderate exercise everyday. Will I be disappointed if I don't loose weight, of course. Do I know that I am doing something good for my body everyday, absolutely!

This is a good book. It gives us another view of how are bodies work and how we can make them work more efficiently. It is not something that I am going to do but it may work for you.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Dewey's Nine Lives by Vicki Myron with Bret Witter

 Subtitle: The Legacy of the Small-town Library Cat Who Inspired Millions

If you have not read Dewey I highly recommend that you do. It is not necessary if you want to read this book, but it is well worth the read.

There is a wonderful partnership between Myron and Witter and when you sit down to read these books it feels like they are there tell you their stories. In this book we not only learned more about Dewey and how he touched so many lives but also about other cats that have had huge impacts on their owners.

In so many of the stories the cats are true confidants, they are there for the owner. They are there to listen and to comfort, to protect and be an ally. If you have never had a pet it may be hard to understand. But if you have been a pet owner you know what it is like to have an animal love you unconditionally. To have a live creature there to pour your heart out to and just sit there and listen. To have an animal that will just love you for who you are and help you grow into a stronger and more confidant human being.

In this book cats help fill the void of not being able to have children, of moving someplace new and knowing no one, of helping you through a tough time when you didn't even really know you needed help. Cats have always been considered stand-offish, but I think they are always there for you.

The last cat that I had was not a cuddler. She would be in the same room with you but she was very independent. She loved to bring me 'gifts' and learned to leave them at the door after I thanked her. The one thing she would do is cuddle me when I was not feeling well. She didn't leave my side, but once I was feeling better she was off.

Pets know how to take care of their owners and they are a wonderful addition to the family if is is a viable option. I am so thankful for the pets that I have had over the years and am looking forward to having one again (once I settle down, haha).