Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Brief Conversation with my Hair by Russell Bradbury-Carlin

I am not really sure what to say about this one.  The guy is a comedian, I think.  He writes various things dealing with parenting and child rearing to fictional what-if stories with fictional characters like Darth Vader.  I did chuckle a few times but I felt most of his stuff was a bit off the wall.  It was not my kind of humor, if that is what this was supposed to be.

Sweetgrass by Mary Alice Monroe

As I read this I had a nagging feeling that I had read it before.  I am still not sure, but it was a very enjoyable book.  It takes place in South Carolina on the coast.  It is dealing with an old plantation trying to deal with the current times.  It also deals with the family that has been there for generations and how they have changed and have not always seen things the way they really are.  Watching the characters grow and come to a place of recognition within themselves was done beautifully by Monroe.  She gave you just enough to keep reading and made it worth your while.  It was a very touching story that I think many can relate to, especially when it comes to communication and the love of the land.  I was left wanting more and at the same time satisfied with what I got.

Idyll Banter by Chris Bohjalian

This was a compilation of articles that he had written for a few newspapers.  They are all focused on his quiet, and sometimes not so quiet, life in Lincoln, VT.  They touch on many different facets of life and show you how some small towns do work.  You will laugh and get tears in your eyes, at least I did.  He shared how complex simple life could be, and at the same time how rewarding these adventures turn out to be.  The honesty and humor pull you in and if you have never experienced small town life, this is a good piece to show you a cross section of how it can actually be.