Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Story of Mount Desert Island by Samuel Eliot Morison

On Wednesday Terry and I hung out at the library for a while and I read this book.  Morison takes you through the whole island starting with the Indians and the French and English.  Then there were the artists and rusticators and the "cottage" era.  He spent his summers here and knew much local lore and stories.  Morison saw many changes over the years and was full of good background stories and antics.  

Friday, July 10, 2015

The good, good pig by Sy Montgomery

Subtitle: The extraordinary life of Christopher Hogwood -- What a wonderful story about a family that adopted a pig.  They raised it from runt-hood and had it for several years.  It not only enhanced their lives, but the whole community.  Christopher Hogwood was a star in his own right with everyone around.  People brought him slops, he made it in the paper and local news.  Everyone wanted to spend time with him and the Montgomery's were amazed and touched with the interest that Christopher brought into their lives.  Very well written, I felt like I missed something by never meeting Christopher Hogwood.