Thursday, February 18, 2010

rowing the Atlantic by Roz Savage

Subtitle: Lessons Learned on the Open Ocean -- I love these kinds of books. She was not happy with where her life was going and made a change. Now, I don't think I would row across the Atlantic, but she did, and what a trip is was. Things broke, her body fought her, the weather was a beast and mentally it was a real challenge. She faced all of these things head on and told you about it in a way that did not make her sound whinny about the whole experience. I could relate to her on some level of low self-esteem and confidence. So, when she did something she did not think she could do and succeeded I felt it very much for her. She learned a lot about herself and told you about it in a very easy way. It was never preachy or made me feel like I was not doing well with my life. In some ways it is challenging me to do things differently in my life. It was very inspiring.

1 comment:

Roz Savage said...

Thanks for the nice review - glad you found the book inspiring!

Hope you'll follow along on my next adventure - in 2 months I set out to try and complete the third and final stage of my solo row across the Pacific. It proves to be my most challenging yet.

You can follow it on my blog at

Thanks again!