Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

Subtitle:  One Man's Mission to Promote Peace... One School at a Time -- I kept running into this book at thrift stores but was reluctant to purchase.  I found it at the library on audio and thought it would be good to listen to on my walks.  After Mortenson attempted K2 and ended up in the wrong town he had a vision to build schools.  This town that he wandered into had no school, yet the children were trying to learn in an outdoor space and using the ground to do figuring.  Through much trial and tribulation he was successful and built many schools and more and helped many people .  He felt, along with many elders in these towns and villages, that if you could show the children a different path and that there was more than war and violence that things could be better.  Learning about the areas he was in and seeing what he went through truly enlightened me to some of the plight in Pakistan and such.  I still do have a problem when people focus so much on other countries and causes when there is so much that can be done here in the United States.  Mortenson is a very driven person and I am glad that I took the time to listen to this book and see things a different way.

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