Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saving CeeCee Honeycut by Beth Hoffman

We all want to have the easy, wonderful childhood that we read about in stories, and most of do not experience that.  We all have little bumps in the road, but have family and friends that get us through it all.  For CeeCee she was not as lucky in the beginning.  She had to take care of her mother who was mentally unstable and did things that embarrassed CeeCee which in turn lead to ridicule and isolation.  There were two things that got her through these times -- her books and her next door neighbor.  Then, one day, it all changed.  Her mother died and CeeCee went to live with a relative she did not know.  By moving in with her aunt she found a life full of fun, love and caring.  She grew into herself and found that things could be good.  I laughed out loud and cried.  Hoffman did a wonderful job detailing the joy along with the pain and gave us some very memorable characters.

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