Monday, December 13, 2010

The Deep Blue Sea for Beginners by Luanne Rice

An interesting story about a girl who has gone to her mother to try to convince her to come home. Her mother had left her and her sister 10 years earlier. In that time their father had died. Pell, the older sister, has been holding things together but now wants her mother there. Pell had been told by her father that a decision was made for her mother to leave. In the process of getting to know her mother she learned much more. Throughout the story the characters are faced with things that they had buried that now had to be looked at. How can a mother leave her children? How can a father hide so many truths about his children's mother? Why do we always feel we need to protect our families instead of just telling the truth? There were other characters within the story that helped tie some things together and made it all the more richer. Rice is a great story teller, wonderful with characters and I really never tire of what she comes up with.

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