Saturday, March 27, 2010

Elder Rage -or- Take My Father...Please! by Jacqueline Marcell

Subtitle: How To Survive Caring For Aging Parents -- Once I was able to get past all of the movie and TV references it was a very informative book. She went home because her mom needed to go into the hospital and thought she was going to die. When she got to the house she realized how bad things were and knew something needed to be done. Her father would go into terrible rages threatening her and others and getting physical. This book is about her journey in learning how to deal with her father, dealing with the medical professionals (and I use that term loosely), going through many in home caregivers and in the end learning that it is the disease and not really the person that is being the way they are. My grandmother has Alzheimer's and treats many people very kindly and then gets to my dad and it is a different story. She is not violent, but can be very verbal. My dad has made progress over the years dealing with her. I hope that it does not come to this for me, but if it does I hope I can remember this book and how my dad has dealt with the situation and remember that it is the disease and the person doing the crazy and hurtful acts does really love me. -- At the end of this book are several sections on dealing with these situations and organizations that you can contact for help.

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