Friday, January 29, 2010

A Life Worth Living by Robert Martensen

Subtitle: A Doctor's reflections on illness in a high-tech era --- This was a very interesting book that sheds light on several situations that you may one day be involved in. There is so much that we, as patients, are not told that it is very hard to make a good decision. Also, there are patients who don't want to listen to doctors, but doctors don't seem to do anything to make them understand the real situation. Some of the stories were hard to read, but really made me think about how I want things to be for my husband and me when it gets to be that time when we need to make medical decisions. -- I do have to say that it was not the easiest book to read. I had to read things several times because the flow was not there. The ending also left much to be desired. If you can get past those things it was a good read.

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