Monday, January 18, 2010

Here If You Need Me by Kate Braestrup

Subtitle: A True Story -- I have been wanting to read this for a while and lucked out by finding at a library book sale for a buck. It is about a woman who is a chaplain for the Maine Warden Service. What got her there was the untimely death of her husband. In a way she was following in his footsteps, as this is something that he was going to do. The book talks about some of the situations she found herself in with the wardens, how she and her family grew from tragedy and how sometimes it is just more important to be there than to say anything. Her thoughts and views about religion and God are very similar to mine, so this really struck a chord with me. I laughed out loud, shook my head and wiped tears from my eyes. It was a good read that made me think, and I like that.

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