Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Glow 15 by Naomi Whittel

 Subtitle: A Science-based Plan to Lose Weight, Revitalize Your Skin, and Invigorate Your Life

A friend recommended this to me and it was an interesting read. I am always curious about the different ways people and science think that they can help you feel younger, stronger, and healthier.

This book hits on a concept called autophagy. It is something within our bodies that can turn on and off our metabolism and make our bodies use what is has more efficiently. There are also foods and exercises that can trigger autophagy to make your body more efficient as well.

There are certain foods to eat and times to eat. You intermittent fast three non consecutive days and eat normally the other four days. There is also exercising that you do on certain days, either HIIT workouts or resistance band workouts.

In the scheme of things if you are able to make these changes in your life and if looking younger is that important to you then this might work. I am more from the school of trying to work with what I have, no special diets or exercises. And on the whole I feel pretty good.

We all want to loose some weight, me included. We all would like to look younger, me included. But we have to remember that we are all different, our bodies are different, and how are bodies work individually are different. And we have earned every wrinkle and gray hair and should be proud of how far we have come.

For me I have been working on eating the same number of calories everyday, drinking enough water everyday, and doing moderate exercise everyday. Will I be disappointed if I don't loose weight, of course. Do I know that I am doing something good for my body everyday, absolutely!

This is a good book. It gives us another view of how are bodies work and how we can make them work more efficiently. It is not something that I am going to do but it may work for you.

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