Saturday, December 21, 2013

The World's Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne

Subtitle: A Memoir of Tourette's, Faith, Strength and the Power of Family -- This book was an education for me in many ways.  I never knew how challenging Tourette Syndrome could be.  You hear of people with twitches and outbursts, but I never knew how physically painful it could be.  It all started out small for Josh, but as he got older the episodes became worse and worse.  He had a hard time finishing school or even keeping a job.  His faith, Mormon, helped a little when he was younger, but left him questioning as he got older.  The one thing he found that seemed to help him was strength training.  He could have more control over himself and his tics.  Josh is funny and has had a lot on his plate, but I feel he has dealt with his challenges and worked through things instead of letting Tourette's run his life.  This was a very well written memoir that made me laugh, cry and realize we have to live in the moment with what we are given and keep taking steps forward.

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