Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Budda in the Attic by Julie Otsuka

I stumbled across this and thought that it might be interesting.  It is an historical fiction novel that begins in the early 1900's with Japanese women coming over to marry Japanese men.  Their hope is to find the land of plenty and an easy life.  It is not what they find at all.  Most of them were lied to as to what their lot was going to be.  This book generically follows many woman through marriage, work, birth, children and eventually the sending out to camps.  It is a part of history that I do not know much about and find rather fascinating.  Finishing up the book Otsuka leaves you with the feeling of wondering where they all went.  What happened to them?  Where were they and what was next?  A very interesting book that was laid out in a manor that had you feeling like you were in the brains of all of these women and were just as overwhelmed as they were. (NOOK)

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