Sunday, December 23, 2012

Birds of a Feather by Jacqueline Winspear

This is the second book in the Maisie Dobbs series and I just loved it.  She gets a case from a gentleman in which his daughter has run away and he wants her back.  The story has many layers and a few different stories within.  I love how Maisie Dobbs wants to know more than just the surface, she wants to know why people do what they do, what drives them.  She is not satisfied until she feels she has uncovered every stone and worked every angle.  Her assistant is wonderful and adds lots of color to the story and also goes through some changes, thankfully for the better.  Maisie also continues to grow herself and become more comfortable in her skin and where he life is taking her.  Jacqueline Winspear does a beautiful job weaving these stories together and giving you depth into the characters and their lives.  It is wonderful to get lost in this world for a while and I can't wait to continue on with the series.

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