Saturday, October 31, 2015

the time keeper by Mitch Albom

This was a very interesting story about time.  When did we start to keep track of time?  Why do we keep track of time?  Why do people want to squander their time?  This book follows two people, one in the prime of her life and the other a gentleman who wants more time.  Both of these people are experiencing something "tragic" in their lives and are trying to deal with it in their own way without thinking of other people and the consequences of their actions.  We then enter into a type of Charles Dickens and the visiting of Father Time who can show them what will happen.  They are both struck by what they see and wish to do things differently.  The take away from this book for me is to embrace every moment and enjoy it for what it is, time will keep marching on and we need to choose how we are going to use that time.  Don't squander it.

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