Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Trans-Sister Radio by Chris Bohjalian

Bohjalian sure can pick some interesting subject matter, and always leaves an interesting twist in the end.  This book focuses on four people.  There is Allie, who is a grade school teacher and mother.  Carly is her daughter who is getting ready to go to college.  Will is Carly's dad and ex-husband to Allie who runs the local public radio station.  Then there is Dana who is a college professor and a transsexual.  Bohjalian did an amazing job weaving these four people together, getting different perspectives and getting into the deep seated emotions that we have towards people that are different from the norm.  There was amazing depth of character and a true pull through out the whole story making you want to see it through.  Bohjalian pushed the envelope again and did it beautifully.

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