Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Giver by Lois Lowry

When I finished this I really could not believe that it was a children's book.  The themes and ideas were very mature, in my opinion.  It is about a community where things are the same.  There is no individuality and decisions are made by the elders.  Then a boy is assigned his job and he learns about this sameness and really feels that much of it is wrong.  He feels people are missing out on so much because a select few want them to only see a little.  The Elders don't want pain and suffering and questions, they want calm and level.  It was a bit disturbing and reminded me of something that Orwell would have written.  If I would let a child read this I would be reading it with them and having discussions because I don't think it is something they should read on their own. (NOOK)

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