Thursday, October 27, 2011

Listening Is an Act of Love by Dave Isay

Subtitle: A Celebration of American Life from the Storycorps Project -- This was very interesting.  When Terry saw what I was reading he recognized it from NPR.  I had never heard of it before.  This is a very small compilation of some of the interviews that were done.  There are a couple Storycorps booths set up in New York City and then there are traveling booths that go everywhere else.  You can go there with anyone and just talk, tell your story.  If there is no one you want to go with you there is a facilitator there to ask you questions.  Some of the stories shared in this book were wonderful.  They covered everything from wars and love to just how life had been.  I laughed and cried and really would like to hear the interviews themselves.  This really brings in the idea that we all have a story to tell, no matter how big or how small, and these stories shape us, how we live and how the world goes on.

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