Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bitter Harvest by Ann Rule

Subtitle: A woman's fury, a mother's sacrifice -- Had I read more of the cover and comments I would not have picked this up. This is a true crime story and really not something I like to delve into. It was very well written and this is Rule's specialty. This is about a woman who seems to have things together but is prone to temper tantrums and always having her own way. When her marriage started to fall apart things got really bad. She started a small house fire when her husband first asked for a divorce and started to poison him when he asked a second time. In the end she completely lost it and burned her second home down killing two of her children. She was a sick and twisted woman and is in prison for the rest of her life. If you like to read about these things then you will probably enjoy it. It was not a terrible book, but it was not the subject matter I enjoy reading about.

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